- Introduction to spatial areal data
- Applications: infant mortality in the UK, lung cancer in Mexico
- Observed and expected counts
- Spatial autoregressions and BYM
- Fitting and interpreting the BYM model
- Bayesian inference and INLA
- The bym function in the diseasemapping package
- Understanding and visualizing results
- Prior distributions
- Simple(r) spatio-temporal models
- Additive spatial and temporal models
- Independent space-time effects
- Prior distributions
- Space-time interaction
- Separable spatio-temporal processes
- . . . and specifying them in INLA
- Bonus material: beyond the BYM model
- Area-level data as spatial censoring
- The aggregated log-Gaussian Cox process
- The EMS algorithm
- Bayesian inference
- Poisson regression
- R
- The diseasemapping package on CRAN
- INLA from r-inla.org