General information

  1. The course has a maximum number of 50 participants.
  2. Complete registration applications will be processed in the order received after the reception of a Payment Notice.
  3. Poster presentation is not a prerequisite to attend the course.
  4. The official language of the course is English.
  5. The size of the posters must not exceed the A0 page size (84.1 x 118.4cm).

The course is hosted by the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa and will be held in the Amphitheater of the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, located in the C1 building, 3rd floor.

See larger map
Where to stay

No recommendations are made on this, please use any booking service to book your accommodation according to your preferences. It should be noted that the best priced hotels in Lisbon are usually fully booked during the summer.

Hotel AS Lisboa, Hotel Alif Campo Pequeno and VIP Executive Zurique Hotel Lisboa are hotels nearby the event (no special rates).