Statistical Analysis
for Space-Time Data

July 15-17, 2019 – Lisboa, Portugal


The European Courses in Advanced Statistics on Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data (ECAS2019) is organized by the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) and the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operational Research (SEIO) and will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 15th-17th, 2019.

The ECAS courses are intended to achieve postgraduate training in special areas of statistics for (especially 1st year) PhD students, researchers, teachers at universities, and professionals interested in the application of new statistical methods.


Due to the proliferation of data sets that are both spatially and temporally indexed, spatio-temporal modelling has received an increasing attention in the last few years. Space-Time data are usually related to applied areas, such as environmental and health sciences, and their analyses focus, namely, on:

  1. reading, visualizing, and analysing spatial data, where observations can be identified with geographical locations;
  2. generating hypotheses for further ecological or epidemiological study;
  3. producing a smoothed map, identifying spatial and temporal trends;
  4. formulating policy decisions related to certain disease over space and time.

The invited lecturers will present their methodological advancements with a heavy emphasis on applications. A poster session with contributed papers will complement the scientific program (although any participant can attend the courses without the presentation of a poster).


Important dates
